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4. Configuration - abewallet

Your ABEL wallet (abewallet) needs to connect to one of the full nodes (abec). Configure the following options in abewallet.conf which is located in the configuration folder of abewallet:

abecrpcuser= [rpcuser in abec.conf]
abecrpcpass= [rpcpass in abec.conf]

[rpcuser in abec.conf] and [rpcpass in abec.conf] are the rpcuser and rpcpass values, respecitvely, from abec.conf. This allows abewallet to connect to abec.

In addition, in order to let abectl (abewallet control console) interact with abewallet later, we need to set the following options in abewallet.conf.

rpcuser= [username]
rpcpass= [password]

Note: In other words, abecrpcuser / abecrpcpass (in abewallet.conf) correspond to rpcuser / rpcpassword (in abec.conf), respecitvely, and are used for establishing a secure RPC communication channel between abec and abewallet. While rpcuser / rpcpass (in abewallet.conf) will be used for establishing a secure RPC communication channel between abectl (to be introduced) and abewallet.

Besides the configuration above, you need to do a few more configurations as follows if you are running abec and abewallet at different machines.

4.1 abec and abewallet are running on different machines

Add the following option in abec.conf:


If there is only one local net IP, or for simplicity, it can be, which means listening to PORT of all IPs.

Next, add the following option in abewallet.conf for specifying the IP address and PORT of the remote full node (abec).


IP and PORT are the IP address and listening port of abec, respectively. If a port is not specified, the default port (8667) will be used.

Finally, copy rpc.cert from the configuration folder of the remote full node, abec, and store the file as ~/Documents/abel/rpc.cert and set the cafile option in abewallet.conf as
