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1. Installation

There are three pieces of software: abec, abewallet and abectl. They are downloaded in two compressed files, something like abec-macos-amd64-v0.11.0.tar.gz and abewallet-macos-amd64-v0.11.0.tar.gz for macOS running on an x86 architecture (e.g. Intel chips). More information can be found in the Discord.

Unzip both files, you will get two folders, something like abec-macos-amd64-v0.11.0/ and abewallet-macos-amd64-v0.11.0/. To ease the description below, let's put these two folders under a folder called abel/ under Documents. Something like:

1. ~/Documents/abel/abec-macos-amd64-v0.11.0/
2. ~/Documents/abel/abewallet-macos-amd64-v0.11.0/

abec and abectl are in ~/Documents/abel/abec-macos-amd64-v0.11.0/ and abewallet is in ~/Documents/abel/abewallet-macos-amd64-v0.11.0/.

To run these software, we use Terminal (for macOS and Linux) or PowerShell (for Windows).

Open a Terminal / PowerShell, go to ~/Documents/abel/abec-macos-amd64-v0.11.1/, and run

# macOS and Linux
# Windows

Then press control+C. By doing this, we create a configuration folder located at:

  • Windows: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Abec
  • macOS: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Abec
  • Linux: /home/[username]/.abec

Next, open another Terminal / PowerShell, go to ~/Documents/abel/abewallet-macos-amd64-v0.11.0/, and run

# macOS and Linux
./ --create
# Windows
abewallet --create

Then press control+C. By doing this, we create a configuration folder located at:

  • Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Abewallet
  • macOS: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Abewallet
  • Linux: /home/username/.abewallet

Note: On macOS and Linux, you may need to run chmod 777 xxx if it says xxx: Permission denied.

Note: On macOS (M1 chip / arm64), if it says 'xxx' is damaged and can't be opened, open a Terminal and run
xattr -d path/to/xxx.

Note: On macOS, if it says 'xxx' cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified, go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General and click allow anyway.