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5. Running a Full (Mining) Node - abec

Go to ~/Documents/abel/abec-macos-amd64-v0.11.1/ and run a full node (abec):

# macOS and Linux
./ --generate
# Windows
abec --generate

The above command also makes abec start mining. If you do not want to mine, and instead, just run abec as a full node:

# macOS and Linux
# Windows


./ --generate
2022-08-08 12:08:46.663 [INF] ABEC: Version 0.11.0
2022-08-08 12:08:46.664 [INF] ABEC: Loading block database from '/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Abec/data/mainnet/blocks_ffldb'
2022-08-08 12:08:46.720 [INF] ABEC: Block database loaded
2022-08-08 12:08:49.731 [INF] CHAN: Loading block index...
2022-08-08 12:08:50.087 [INF] CHAN: Chain state (height 48598, hash 00000000016f90d388ddae2c66cb2c665d6ffaaf09b9213ff037f2ec169e7796, totaltx 48643, work 1111339015394973)
2022-08-08 12:08:50.106 [INF] MINR: CPU miner started
2022-08-08 12:08:50.106 [INF] RPCS: RPC server listening on [::1]:8667
2022-08-08 12:08:50.106 [INF] RPCS: RPC server listening on
2022-08-08 12:08:50.119 [INF] AMGR: Loaded 686 addresses from file '/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Abec/data/mainnet/peers.json'
2022-08-08 12:08:50.123 [INF] CMGR: 39 addresses found from DNS seed
2022-08-08 12:08:50.120 [INF] CMGR: Server listening on
2022-08-08 12:08:50.120 [INF] CMGR: Server listening on [::]:8666